In the world of business marketing, the question I often hear is, “What should I do first?” Unfortunately, by the time I’m consulted, many businesses have already been fried, scrambled, or poached. The silver lining? There are always more eggs in the basket!

First things first, with the right planning, and partnership, we will learn to crawl before we walk, lead with our best foot forward, and take it one step at a time.

But let’s set aside the clichés. With over 35 years of experience helping businesses grow, I’ve never liked cliches in marketing. I learned that success is about hard work and smart decisions. And one of the smartest moves you can make is surrounding yourself with good people who share your vision. Together, we set goals, adapt to inevitable changes, and get to work.

This blog focuses on that second point—surrounding yourself with the right people. I’ve done just that with my partner, Dan. Not only is he a superstar at what he does, but he also genuinely cares. He puts others first, and that’s the foundation of true success, joy, and fulfillment.

At Momentum Consulting, we’re here to help you save time, money, and headaches while growing your business. Whether your first step is a new logo, an updated website, fresh signage, or strengthening your brand, we’re ready to assist. Maybe it’s about optimizing your email marketing, enhancing your digital and social media presence, or removing obstacles that are holding you back. Whatever it is, you don’t have to do it alone.

We’re here to help you figure out what comes first—and help guide you across the road (no puns intended).

Ready to get started?

No pressure, no jargon—just good vibes and even better results. Your success story starts here!